22 January 2025
Copernico Milan Centrale
Via Copernico, 38
20125 Milano MI, Italy
Temporal is hosting a meetup in Milan! Join us for an evening of technical talks, dinner, and networking with Temporal users and experts.
Interested attendees are also encouraged to join our Community Slack to post questions or comments and interact with other local Temporal fans.
18:30-19:00 |
Arrival, Dinner, and Networking |
19:00-19:30 |
How Mediaset is Revolutionizing Workflows & Data Integrations with Temporal: From Monoliths to Democratized Innovation - Roberto Badalamenti, Marco Reni & Davide Romano Mediaset, Italy's largest broadcaster, has always used different orchestration systems (Service Bus, Airflow, Mulesoft, custom code, pub-sub patterns...), specialized on a specific area, to manage the complexity of its integrations. In this talk we will see how Temporal has become a true “Swiss army knife” that is allowing us to move away from old monoliths and to modernize and democratize transmission and data processing flows in the most diverse areas (sports data, video metadata, analytics processing). Mediaset, il più grande broadcaster italiano, ha sempre usato sistemi di orchestrazione diversi (Service Bus, Airflow, Mulesoft, codice custom, pattern pub-sub ...), specializzati su una specifica area, per gestire la complessità delle proprie integrazioni. In questo talk vedremo come Temporal sia diventato un vero e proprio "coltellino svizzero" che ci sta permettendo di abbandonare i vecchi monoliti e di modernizzare e democraticizzare i flussi di trasmissione ed elaborazione dati nei più diversi ambiti (dati sportivi, metadata video, elaborazione analytics). |
19:30-20:00 |
Crispy Bacon’s Journey in innovating onboarding and KYC solutions - Matteo Furlan & Roberto Chiarotto Come Crispy Bacon, partner ufficiale di Temporal, condivideremo la nostra esperienza nell’innovare i processi di onboarding e KYC (Know Your Customer). Nel talk esploreremo le ragioni che ci hanno portato ad adottare questo prodotto presentando un caso di implementazione su AWS. Mostreremo inoltre come abbiamo progettato un’architettura che integra frontend, backend e Temporal condividendo le lezioni apprese sviluppando soluzioni verticali per i nostri clienti. |
20:00-20:30 |
A sneak preview of what's coming with Temporal - Donald Forbes Donald will share the exciting roadmap for Temporal, highlighting major initiatives such as Nexus and new enterprise features now available on Temporal Cloud. |
20:30-21:00 |
Networking / Finish |
Code of Conduct:
Temporal Community Meetup officially adopts the Temporal Code of Conduct. Harassment, bullying, and discrimination are unacceptable here and if you witness or experience those or other harmful behaviors, please let the organizers know.
Roberto Badalamenti
Software Engineer, Mediaset
Marco Reni
Architect, Mediaset
Davide Romano
Data Scientist, Mediaset
Roberto Chiarotto
Senior Backend Engineer, Crispy Bacon
Matteo Furlan
Head of Backend, Crispy Bacon
Donald Forbes
Senior Solutions Architect EMEA, Temporal Technologies